Friday, March 02, 2007

Port Douglas, QNL, AU

Just a couple of words more about Cape Tribulation.
First of all the other day i finally met the cassowary....scary huge turkey:)
Took pics and i'll post them once i am back.

A couple of nights ago i took a night walk with a guide in Cape Trib, that turned out to be a "bug walk". So annoying!!! I hate spiders, cockroaches and all that stuff..why should i spend two hours in the middle of the rainforrest looking for them? That was pretty disappointing!

Did not make it to Cooktown: the streets are closed for flooding :-(

Yesterday we left Cape Trib and headed to Port Douglas.
On the way here we stopped at Mossman and we went to Mosman Gorge, a nice river that runs through the forest. The water is sooo clear and torquaise. Very pretty spot!
We passed by a Aborigen Community where aborigens live and perform didjeridoo shows. I am not interested in it!! I wanted to see real aborigens that still live like hundreds years ago. They actually told me that on the way to Cooktown there are some lands where white people are not allowed to go because they are aborigen lands, protected by the government.

As soon as i arrived in Port Douglas i walked downtown (the city is very small and it is on a bay, sorrounded by water).
Such a nice little town to relax a bit! I'll take a day off here.

Went to ask righ away if there is a chance to go to Batt Reef where Steve Irwin got stung by a stingray and passed away, and apparently Batt Reef is a preserved area and u need permit to actually go there.
Found a sail boat that goes to the next reef, Tongue Reef (today they are out of the water so i have to wait until tomorrow).
Today i'll also try to figure out where to go next. I'll try to head south but i am not sure how further i can go (i have two weeks left).


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