Cape Tribulation, Queensland. AU

Hey guys, do u know which is the most dangerous bird of Australia? It is a Cassowary and guess what??? As soon as we arrived in Cape Tribulation beach house, the first thing they told us is that there is a cassowary hanging around here and that it is pretty cranky (great!!) and can be dangerous (Cassowaries killed people already, two in Cape Trib). Also if we meet him, actually her (it is a female) we are not supposed to run away because it will chase us and attack us. The best thing to do is stick our arms in the air (so that we would look bigger) and make a lot of noise, hoping that it will go away!!...Interesting, isn't it? Also this guy i met, ran into the cassowary just yesterday and said it is bigger than him ....scary!!!
Last night i took a nap at 6 pm and when i woke up i was in the room all by myself and i was scared to go to the toilet and to have dinner as i just went back to sleep 'till this morning...hehehheheheh
Today my friends were like: where the hell have u been last night?? :)
Woke up at 6.00am, went to the toilet and guess....a huge spider as big as my hand was there..gosh...while i was doing what i needed to do :) i kept on looking at the spider that slowely was getting close to the floor (it was hanging from its web)!!!
Cape Tribulation is very wild..i would say the wildest place i ever been to.
The rainforest gets right in the ocean!! It is so aggressive and dense.
Yesterday we walked all the way to the Cape, the view is amazing!
I wonder if it is much different from those days when Captain Cook arrived here....
Gotta go now, i have to figure out how to get to Cooktown tomorrow..Apparently the roads are flooded and it is not easy to get there.
I attach a pic of a cassowary...u might not know what it looks like.
Great work.
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