Steve Irwin death, sept 4th 2006, Batt Reef, Queensland

I am about to travel all the way to Australia and i had to give a bit of attantion to this man...
I am really sorry he died, i respected his work, his enthusiasm and how he always fight to protect thretened species.
I read a lot about his death.
He was shooting a ducmentary in Batt Reef, a stretch of the Great Barrier a few miles away fromPort Douglas, about sea life with his crew when apparently he boxed in a giant stingray which, startled,whipped its barbed tail upwards into his chest.
He died in a few minutes, maybe less.
Outside the hospital in Port Douglas, his longtime friend and producer John Stainton said, "He died doing what he loves best, and left this world in a happy and peaceful state of mind. He would have said, Crocs rule."
I hope he is wrestling crocs up there in heaven!!
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