Saturday, April 19, 2008

Last day in Bora Bora...

Maururu and nana Polynesia!!!

This means being filthy rich, Bora!!


MAUPITI, Windward Islands

Last stop, Maupiti, Windward Islands

And.....more of my b'day, Bora!

My b'day again, Bora Bora


Bora Bora...more pics

Bora Bora, the pearl of the Pacific...

They called it the Pearl of the Pacific, and yes, the place is beautiful but let me tell u, i have been to places as nice as Bora Bora but 100 times cheaper!!! Prices are absolutely outrageous.
Don't get me wrong though, it's a vulcanic, green, gorgeous island....maybe a bit overestimated.

And more....RANGI

"Rangi" again...more pics

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Beautiful RANGIROA, Tuamotu

Rangiroa is the place i liked the most.
It's a huge atol in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, it's part of the Tuamotu group.
The lagoon has light blue and green colours and it's rich of soooo many different species of fish..
Peaceful and relaxing, life goes on slowly...
Went snorkling in the Tiputa Pass and saw a huge looked like it was flying...that was pretty exciting. Also while we were coming back from the blue lagoon we ran into a massive dolpin; it was really big; found out later that the dolphins in Rangi are the biggest in the world.

HIVA OA, Marquesas Islands

Hiva Oa is where Paul Gaugin lived his last years...Just to tell you he had a 14 yr old girlfriend and he was over his 50ies..(dirty pig!!).